The Idea For Blockchain Metaverse Block Game


The idea is to have a game running centralized but having its world on the blockchain. Client implementations for the game can vary, servers can have their rules. But main world environment data should be on the chain, and game clients should have the freedom to interpret this data as they wish. In the end, every client is a separate server so there is no problem with having their rules.


For the environment, there is the idea of chunks and blocks. The world can be thought of as a cartesian coordinate system, or a flat world. Chunks are spaces in the flat world, having the same size. Blocks are the entities that come with a chunk. A block can be thought of as an empty canvas as some fraction of the size of the chunk that you can place anywhere on the chunk. But the important part is that the block is not bound to the chunk it came with. The same block can be placed on any chunk. The block when first obtained will be empty, like a cryptocurrency all obtained blocks will be the same. Before placing a blocked user will determine its properties, it will attach data to it. This attachment will be permanent. So it will be an NFT. To make things simple we call these blocks “NFT blocks” and other blocks are “coin blocks”.

But the placement will not be static. The chunks will be like grids, and they will have owners. Only the owner of the chunk can place the NFT blocks that they own. Every cell of a chunk will be represented in the blockchain. So when a move happens it will be a transaction of a block from a cell to another cell. They can also remove it from the cell.


So there are coin blocks, NFT blocks, and grid cells represented in the blockchain. In the blockchain, several events are occurring. Move a block or chunk between wallets, move a block between grids and add data to a block. The prize to run this block is the chunk. So the idea is to have no gas fee and no limit for chunks or blocks. Since every chunk is a property and blocks are the value that represents it and both are used in the system it is probable that there will be no inflation.


An example client can work like this. The game can be a 2D bird's eye view game. Blocks can have one property in the data, the data URL of a picture. Also, the game can add a property to blocks by looking at its credentials. For example, it can make half of the blocks formed from a chunk solid and the other half nonsolid. It can do this by checking their derived chunk id and their index in the chunk. So the generated world can have solid and nonsolid spaces that the image they have overlaid on the blocks. Players can discover the chunks that other players created. You can also think of the same game in 3D VR, where the data can be a 3D model.

Conclusion and Benefits

The total benefit of this approach is making digital lands and NTFS real things that we can interact with. The parts of the world can be used by different game clients but currency can be the same as blocks. Also, NFT  blocks can have value in multiple clients by making representable them in their game.


  1. You are providing good knowledge. It is really helpful and factual information for us and everyone to increase knowledge.about Blockchain Metaverse Project Online. Continue sharing your data. Thank you.


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